I used to have a drawing of a frog that was halfway down a cranes throat – the only thing sticking out of his beak were the frog’s legs and his two skinny arms and hands which he had tightly wrapped around the crane’s throat preventing the crane from swallowing him. The look of shock and distress in the eyes of the crane was priceless and underneath the caption read;
“Never EVER Give Up!”
Those are words to live by.
If you have carefully chosen a course in life and are sure you want to proceed that way and you have done your homework and know it is a viable path – then you do it. You keep doing it when you fall and are bloody and exhausted you keep slugging it out. Even if you get knocked down or knocked out – that’s just an opportunity to rest, regroup and attack again.
Decide what you want and go after it with everything you have to give and more. If you do you will accomplish more than you can even dream of.
Know this too – this is not the way or the majority. They quickly and change direction like the wind does.
Become your own best friend and ally and work toward your goals. Find others who can and will help you get there. Take classes and learn. Research and learn. Read and learn.
Hire a coach or consultant. Find or start a mastermind group. Never let anyone tell you” your place” or your limits. Decide for yourself and take action and recruit other like-minded people who can and will help you get where you are going. Help them do the same in return and flourish together by doing so.