Everything in life has an opportunity cost associated with it. To choose to do one thing means to choose not to do another thing – or at least not to do it with full focus and attention. So you will have to continuously evaluate what needs to be done personally and what you can get someone else to do for you.
We all live at a great time to be in any kind of business!
The tools and resources now provided by technology give us all the ability to hire someone ANYWHERE in the world virtually and do all kinds of work for you efficiently, and that makes it very affordable to get access to all kinds of skills and specialized resources and labor too when needed.
Even on a local level for simple labor – there are staffing companies and providers that can have how ever many people you need at your door step tomorrow morning ready willing and able to work – and then if you don’t need them again the following day no problem at all. They are not your employees and the staffing company will simply assign them to another work location as needed. This works better for people choosing to do such work too since they aren’t locked into an everyday of the week schedule and they can choose what days and time frames they choose to be available.
Fulfillment centers have the resources, systems and personnel in place to process, pack and ship almost anything you can imagine from subscription boxes to individual products – all very affordably – and best of all, in a way that can be scaled with you as you grow and need the additional services and capacity.
Computer platforms that are fully automated can sell, track, process and deliver all kinds of digital products for you even while you sleep!
Personally I think all of this is great.
Now anyone trying to cling to the old ways of doing things entirely is like a covered wagon manufacturer right after the automobile was invented and growing in popularity. In other words the companies insisting on the old ways of doing things have a very limited time in life left to adapt now – or they will perish too.
When you are building your company do NOT model it entirely on old ideas, patterns and management systems because they will not work properly today and may not work at all in the coming future. That doesn’t mean there are no lessons there to learn – and in fact there are some useful methods and systems – and parts of systems that will work. Just not entirely – so you do have to evaluate what works and what doesn’t continuously as things continue to develop and change.
So what are the most important tasks that YOU need to keep doing personally – and what can and should you outsource as soon as possible?