Dump Your Debt By ANY and ALL Means Necessary – Then Think About Starting a Micro Business…
If you want a better life – something entirely different from what you have now – you can have it – IF you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
But doing nothing but the same will get nothing more than the same.
Think differently and try something else for a change. Consider becoming intentionally abnormal – be different for a change and change your life. Focus on getting out of debt first – then focus on some kind of entrepreneurial activity – a micro or small business, then investments of specific types. Especially real estate.
Then you begin to line things up so you can live a long happy and independent life hopefully.
Too many people realize too late that they don’t have enough resources to live comfortable when they can no longer work – and often that day comes early and unexpected. We all think we have longer than we do… and sooner or later it happens. Age, or illness or an injury or any and all of these things in some combination or another and thats it.
Don’t wait until its too late – line things up in your favor now while you still can. Otherwise your only hope will be the mercy of others…
On the other hand if you get out of debt and build up assets sufficiently while you still can – then you will be able to take care of yourself and those you care about. Then maybe you will even choose to help out someone else who didn’t manage to get it together in time.
What ever you do, do it intentionally – and start NOW!