Everybody wants to make money.
Most people want to make at least some money online, and I’ll bet you do too, right?
There is a ton of information about how to do it – and in fact, there is so much information on it that it is like trying to get a drink of water from a wide-open fire hose. A more apt image to plant in your mind is to imagine yourself standing in the center of a large circle with a hundred fire hoses pointed at you from all directions and all blasting you at the same time!
Welcome to the internet.
The reality that some people don’t want you to know is that from all those millions of interested people only a few of them percentage wise (maybe 3 out of every hundred or so) are ever going to make a single dollar online. Even then, of those that do it will only be a relatively small supplemental amount that augments what they earn from their primary income production method which is a job of some kind.
You need to know the facts.
When you have a clear picture of reality instead of pie in the sky rose colored delusions influencing you, then you can make better decisions and get better results for yourself.
So, begin with commitment and intentional purpose along with a clear understanding that for you to be successful you need to pursue your business as just that – A BUSINESS.
It cant be a hobby. Not if you want to achieve success on a level that you are making real money on a consistent and increasing basis month after month.
A business requires education and experience.
But don’t get me wrong here, I do NOT mean a formal education such as college (which I personally consider to be more programming than education anyway) that takes years. I just mean that you need to seek out relevant and meaningful REAL WORLD useful specialized information that you do not yet have – and learn it.
Then you need to take ACTION and begin implementing it. That’s how you begin getting experience. You will also continue learning as you do it and keep learning and refining until you get your business dialed in where you want it.
Even then, to stay productive and keep it running efficiently your self-education will never be complete. That is important too that you realize that. Education and seeking specialized information, gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences that will help you should become a way of life for you from now on.
Some of the money making methods you should consider include;
- Affiliate Marketing – marketing and selling the products of other people and other companies in exchange for referral fees/commissions. This is something that can be learned and once your sites are built and your pages completed with your copywriting and funnels in place it can become largely automated. Then you just continue replicating the process, creating more sites, more funnels and marketing more products and services to earn more money. This is one of the least costly online businesses to get started in and in some cases, you can even get it off the ground for FREE! In most cases even when you pursue paid options you can get started for under $100.00 out of pocket – and how many other businesses do you know of that you can start for less than that?
- Online Courses – Everybody knows something that other people want to know. You do too. Throughout your life, you have already learned things and gained experience that other people can benefit from. If you can get that specialized information out of your head and into an online course then you can monetize that and begin earning money every month from it as I do with my courses. Take a look at my profile and look at the coursesĀ I teach on Udemy now – and so can YOU! There are multiple options and other platforms too where you can put your courses, but I recommend you at least start with Udemy. Best of all its FREE to do so and costs you nothing at all other than your time and effort upfront. I know you have a smartphone, or can get one easily if by some miracle you don’t – and that is enough to create your first course with.
- Books – This is where I made my very first dollar online. I wrote a book and put it on Amazon. It didn’t make a killing but it did make money that I otherwise wouldn’t have – and that original book still sells a few copies and still makes me a few bucks even now – even though I wrote the thing years ago. I noticed I could also sell it as an eBook so I did that too. Since then I have written a few more ebooks and have others in the works too and I make some money from them all. Amazon charges you NOTHING to put your books on their platform for sale and if you can get sales they will pay you, and you continue to own the rights to your books. You can write and publish your own books too – and who knows you may even have some best sellers in you!. Some people do achieve incredible success right out of the gate – and while that is NOT likely – you can never know unless you try. What is likely though is that you can make some money with each book you write and publish, and overtime as you write and publish more you will generate more money combined from them all. You will also become a better writer and a better publisher if you keep doing it. Keep in mind that you can turn one book into multiple products – a book, an eBook and an audiobook.
- Products – You can create a variety of different things. It may be digital products such as printables, or other products that can be manufactured and fulfilled by others for you such as print on demand products. These things can include coffee cups, mugs, tumblers, hats, shirts, hoodies, flags, stickers, magnets, and many other things. You can come up with your own art and designs to have imprinted on these products – or you can pay other graphic artists to take your ideas and create the art for you. There are multiple ways to go about doing this. You can also create physical products ranging from planners to wooden signs, to lamps, jewelry, and whatever else you can imagine. Take a look at Etsy for ideas. You can then sell those products on Etsy, eBay, Craigslist, your local paper, flea markets, craft fairs and even out of your vehicle in a parking lot or your own front yard! Better yet sell your products in multiple different ways as you find what works best for you.
Expect it to take work. Expect it to take time. Expect it to be challenging – but DO expect it can work for you too – IF you do the work.
Another way to think about it is like this – what have you really got to lose?
To change your life you are going to have to change what you have been doing.