There are lessons to be learned from everything we experience in our lives. If we listen and if we care enough to hear and then use the information to our benefit.
Everything plays a part in shaping our understanding and can influence our views on life – including our philosophy development on business and money, and everything that goes along with it.
Evaluate and Use Your Past Experiences to Your Benefit Now
There are several things that have led me to see this world the way I do and in the ways I now set and approach goals in my own work, business and life – and the information I share with other people too.
There are a few things that play a bigger role in their influence than others do for me. The first is an odd childhood I suppose (who doesn’t have one of those!). I didn’t realize it or think much about it at the time but looking back on it many of the people in my family owned their own businesses and or were self-employed in one way or another.
An aunt owned the corner store, another uncle owned a soda store (he sold Cokes and Coke products and collected bottles back from his customers in exchange for a refund), yet another uncle owned and operated a jewelry store in another city, another relative owned a tire business, several others each owned a handyman and house painting businesses and another owned a large farm – which I lived on and worked on for many years before I left it in my teens and later joined the Navy at 17 years old.
Several other members of my family had served in the military – some retiring eventually – others just a tour or two before returning to civilian life. Most were in the Marines or Navy, and a few served in the Army – and one in the Merchant Marine. Many of them served in combat including one uncle who had two ships he was on torpedoed in the Pacific during WWII. Though he never liked to talk much about it the few details I did hear were burned into my brain forever. He was also very kind to other people – he routinely helped others in need by buying them things, giving them money or having someone appear (at his expense) and do a repair or some service they desperately needed.
One day we received a call from my uncle – which was very unusual. I normally only saw him a few times a year for a few moments – but he asked if I could come to his house and meet with the rest of the family there. When I arrived (I was only about 10 or 11 or so) everyone was gathered around the front door happily chatting away – and they all stopped – looked at me and started grinning. I wasn’t sure whether I should be grinning too – or if I should start running in the other direction!
The house was an old house with a very large hallway that ran clean through the middle of it from the front door to the back with all the rooms off either side, as best as I can recall anyway. Sitting near the wall on my left was something large, and it was under a very bright yellow plastic table cloth – which my uncle had hold of one corner.
As I came in, he yanked the table cloth off of the thing it was covering – a brand new Honda XR 75 motorcycle! My uncle, who I had never seen very often – for no other reason than to gather the family and make them grin for a while – and to make me very happy indeed, gave me that motorcycle just to make me happy.
It has profoundly affected my life from that day to this day.
Whatever good there is in me and whatever kindness exists in my soul and any desire I have to help other people is in large part because of what was started at that moment in time.
All the kind things he did for so many other people and my recollections and reflections on it all, have drastically affected how I view things. Over the year I have often reflected back on it and pondered it all, and in some cases when I have taken the time to go way out of my way to help other people, my actions were rooted in his actions so long ago.
That also began my lifelong love of motorcycles and of driving and operating anything that can be driven or operated too.
A few years later I was in the Navy and on my first ship. Haze grey and underway as they say – and off to see multiple countries over the years. I learned how to learn new information and systems quickly and apply them even quicker – and then how to teach and train other people how to do it also. Over the years I have gone on to teach all kinds of military topics and then continued doing the same thing once I left the military.
By being an instructor and training other people – I quickly discovered that I enjoyed that very much. I also enjoyed the sense of satisfaction I received whenever I helped someone learn something new.
The military is very big on lessons learned – and so am I as a result. I use it to may advantage – and I teach it to this day. The military is also big on systems and on progressive training and qualifications. Also lessons I continue to use.
The field I was in was responsible for collecting, processing, analyzing, displaying and disseminating tactical information and for making recommendations on what to do with it all. I have continued that same mission in civilian life and apply the same principles to this day in my work as an instructor, author, coach, and mentor and use these same principles and tactics in everything I do as much as practical.
There are many skills you learn in the military. Such as how to communicate better with all kinds of different people with differing backgrounds, beliefs, education, and experiences.
You learn leadership fundamentals almost immediately and continue to learn, apply and practice those concepts continuously. I joined when I was 17 and left active duty when I was in my early thirties after well over a decade of service. The lessons I have learned there have never left me and they never will – they are ingrained in the core of my existence forever.
Years before I left active duty I somehow got my hand on a book by Robert Allen called “Nothing Down” and read it cover to cover – then I reread it many times and began attempting real estate investing. Some deals went well and I actually made a few thousand dollars – others went more sideways and I lost a few hundred or a few thousand too. I learned in both cases. While Robert Allen eventually got himself in trouble and fell out of favor – the book still served a purpose – it started my lifelong interest in real estate and fanned the flames of entrepreneurship too.
This also started my serious interest in small businesses – and my interest in business management and tactics. Ever since then almost non stop I and my wife have always had at least one or two part-time business ventures of our own. This is what people call “side hustles” now – we just called it our businesses.
I got my real estate license and started selling real estate part-time – mainly because I wanted more access to properties and information to pursue investing more. I found it to be fun and profitable part-time work and I got to meet many more people and learn from all encounters. When I left active duty I chose to pursue real estate sales full time. Keep in mind there was no internet, no websites, and no blogs or YouTube channels at that time.
The income was great at times and it was nothing at other times – and that roller coaster of income was not practical given that I had a family of my own including a wife and a child to take care of. So I went into property management to still continue to learn about real estate – and more than I ever dreamed possible about property management (I could tell you some stories!) and did that for a couple of years or so.
Eventually, I grew tired of office politics and things I just didn’t like – so I left. I took whatever job I could find just to pay the bills – and that happened to be a position for a local cable company doing field collections. That was a very interesting job and another very good learning experience. I moved to installations and service – found I did not like that job as much and it was long hours and more trouble for less pay too. It was still an important learning experience.
I started thinking about how I could make a living and provide for my family – and still do something that I would enjoy too. I thought about what I wanted – and what I didn’t want. What I wanted, besides a good income and good benefits for my family, was independence and more freedom.
Office politics and petty B.S. were things I hated about some of the jobs I had done – and that is all too common inside of many large and small companies. While I liked sales I did not like the unstable and unpredictable income which wasn’t going to work for me given my situation.
So I started looking around at different options. What could I do to make a good living, that I could enjoy and that I could have much more independence and freedom at the same time?
What I found was trucking.
I saw an ad as best as I can recall in the local paper advertising a free hiring event, presentation, and seminar that was going to be put on in a nearby town in a few days. Over the years I had always admired the big trucks I saw on the road and had though about trucking before but had never even really looked into it seriously. Until now.
So I called the number – registered and went to the event they advertised. I liked what I heard and decided that trucking was just the opportunity I was looking for – so I applied to one of the companies they were representing. It was (and is) one of the biggest trucking companies in the country with tens of thousands of trucks and drivers running all over the country and beyond.
They also intentionally focused very heavily on recruiting former military people. I liked that too.
At that time the company had its own internal truck driving school. So off I went. A few weeks later I had my CDL (Commercial Drivers License) and started the second phase of training which was to go out on the road fro a couple more weeks with a driver trainer and actually do the job and get enough experience to continue on. Completed that and then at that time they paired up two drivers who just completed road training together and let them run for another couple of weeks – the story being they could both help each other, especially when backing and maneuvering around tight places at customers, etc.
That went fine and I completed it. Conventional tractors were just coming out in that fleet at the time and the only way to get one as a new driver was to team – otherwise you got a cabover. If you don’t know anything about trucks or trucking it won’t mean much to you – but let me just put it this way – I wanted that conventional truck which I considered to be much more comfortable, better looking, better riding and just a better truck. So me and my training partner decided to try teaming since we had already managed to survive a couple of weeks together in the same truck anyway.
Long story short – I hated teaming. You don’t really sleep bouncing down the road (or at least I didn’t and I can sleep damn near anywhere!). So I quit teaming and almost left the company – but after a few weeks I went back and got my own truck as a solo OTH driver and ran all over the country and large parts of Canada too for a couple of years or so.
Next, I chose dedicated account pulling doubles to department stores – and I loved that job! I did that for a long time until the company account managers decided to make some negative changes that I and most of the other drivers found unacceptable – so we all quit – most within a day of each other.
The day after I left I had another job with a local trucking company as an entry-level dispatcher. The company wasn’t even advertising – I just called and asked if they had ANY positions open and that led me to talking to a couple of different people, an interview and a job. I decided that my goal going in was to continue learning all about trucking – which was part of my original plans anyway. I knew I wanted my own trucking-related business – just wasn’t sure in what form it would be yet.
Now I was going to take this new opportunity to learn everything I could about every division and department and the overall company. I wanted to know how it all worked. They were just starting a DOT audit (not a good thing) as I was starting my new job there.
It wasn’t going very good either.
In my quest to learn more, in between calls and during breaks I was reading regulations manuals and talking to people and absorbing all the information I could get. Key people noticed I was always reading the regulations and that eventually led me to an opportunity to attempt to “fix” the problems they had. In basic terms, they failed the audit (compliance review) and were not only being fined multiple thousands of dollars – even worse. They were looking at being shut down if they couldn’t make enough progress by the time DOT came back for round two.
That led me to being able to take over the safety department and become in charge of all things related to safety, compliance ad risk management. Just one problem. If I didn’t fix it all and fix it fast I wouldn’t likely have that job position very long either!
Using all of the things I had already learned up to that point – especially how to seek out, collect, analyze, and process information – lots of information and to do it quickly. I sought out and found a week-long seminar taught by the very agency that had just wreaked havoc on the company – and the same agency that would be coming back within weeks to decide its fate.
I went to the seminar. I studied everything that was provided and asked the instructor and other attendees numerous other questions – and made sure I wrote it all down so I wouldn’t forget any of this valuable information. Many other attendees were company owners and Vice presidents, department managers, safety directors a consultant or two – which I found interesting and hadn’t known of before… and which planted a seed of what would soon enough become my own trucking-related business – and ultimately lead me to writing this very article and creating all the other courses, books, ebooks and other content and training we provide.
While at the seminar I learned as much as I could from all of them.
Changes were being made in accordance with my directions even before I left the seminar based on what I was learning. I made daily phone calls and as we learned we implemented immediately. I will spare you all the details but long story a little shorter – the company did outstanding when DOT came back and all was well. Crisis averted.
After that, I continued to take on more responsibilities and more pay and eventually was in charge of recruiting, training, safety, and all risk management for the company. We eventually also opened a second company as a truck driver training school which I set up and ran for years, and all of the motor carries internal driver training programs too. I designed and set up an Independent Contractor Associate program which upon successful completion led to the ICA becoming an Owner Operator with his or her own paid-for truck.
The company set up and ran its own freight brokerage division eventually after much pushing and encouragement from me. I considered the brokerage essential to building and growing the organization overall and essential to expanding continuing the ICA/Owner Operator program of the company too.
Another interesting thing began to happen more and more frequently too. People started calling me from other companies wanting information about how to set up their own DOT management control systems, or create and run internal driver training programs and even a few wanting to know how to start and run truck driver training programs.
Drivers had always asked about how to become owner-operators – and then other drivers from other companies were calling or stopping by – not because they wanted a job there – but because they wanted help and information tying to figure out how to become independent owner-operators and set up their own trucking companies!
After more than a decade with that company, it became clear to me that the organization was not going to continue to grow and develop as I had hoped it would. The owner had several other businesses up and running and in my opinion, they were mostly failing enterprises – being propped up and supported by the trucking company, and draining its resources. I didn’t like that. I also didn’t like many of the short cuts that were increasingly being taken to siphon more money out of the trucking company – so as I reluctantly realized that there was not going to be the continued growth and opportunity I had hoped for – and I found myself increasingly hating a job I had once loved – it was time to go.
The day I rolled out of the parking lot for the last time a funny thing happened. I literally felt the tension leaving my body. I became more relaxed and calmer almost immediately.
While I learned many very important lessons during my time there and had many experiences both good and bad and all of which will serve me forever, the major lesson I learned is this;
Never ever put too much faith or control in any company or organization that you do not own and that you can not control…
Instead of putting your blood, sweat, and tears into building somebody else’s company for them – put those resources to work for yourself and build your own businesses that YOU control!
While I do realize that it can be and is necessary to work for others as employees as you build your own business (or business empire!) part-time, it is not wise or necessary to go too far way above and beyond what you are directly being compensated to do. So don’t do that!
Do a good job – even an above and beyond job, to a limit. But do NOT invest too much of your time and effort in any company or organization you do not control – and above all – do not ever allow yourself to be dependent upon any one company!
Take all that extra effort and that time and other resources and use it all toward aims that you can control and that are in your own benefit.
Enjoy the benefits of the lessons I have already learned the hard way for you so you don’t have to go out and learn it the hard way too!
Life Review and Reset
My son had just graduated from college with two degrees and he had been fortunate to be selected as a candidate for a state law enforcement position and he was about to head off to training to start his own life.
One night he and I were sitting in our back yard next to a fire I had built and talking. He wanted to know what his mother and I were going to do since he would be leaving home soon. I said ” I don’t know son – maybe we will just sell it all and start over” half-joking. He said something like “Right dad” or words to that effect anyway and he went on in the house.
As I sat there looking into the fire the gears started turning…
Why NOT sell it all and start over!
While I had been very effective in my work – almost fanatical about it at times – I had not done such a good job in other areas of my life. Many things had been neglected, such as our personal finances for one. Together from all sources – my job, my businesses (2) and my wife’s business we made a considerable amount of money.
But because we did not manage it properly we had just as much – and at times more – going out as was ever coming in! That meant debt and monthly bills and expenses that had no end in sight – and I hated that.
Getting rid of the house and everything else would solve most of that problem and solve it very quickly.
To do that we needed something else to live in for a while – something paid for.
My wife and I and our son had many years earlier lived aboard a boat for a year – I loved it, he loved it – she tolerated it. My first choice, of course, was another boat – but she said she had “been there and done that” and didn’t want to do it again.
That left choosing an RV of some kind as far as we were concerned. I need something that would work and that we could get fast – within weeks if not days – not something I would have to build from the ground up either.
We found and bought a 35-foot Keystone travel trailer we named “Nora” and we lived very happily in Nora for about a year. One of the best years of our lives and certainly one I enjoyed more than any other – except the year we lived on our boat!
I took a job driving a dump truck for a local utility contractor. Some people we know seemed to think that was a huge step-down – going from Safety Director with 120+ drivers at one time and all the rest to just driving a dump truck. I didn’t care – I was finally HAPPY again and didnt have 40 million headaches and all the stress that went wirh my previous position – I jsut needed to do my job (which was actually fun to me!) and then go home. No stress, no headaches, and no B.S. – so I liked it just fine. It also gave me time to think and time to work more on my own training and publishing business – including figuring out what I wantd that business to ultimately look like and to become.
Sadly we had some family crisis that resulted in me needing to leave my escape job sooner than I had intended and derailed my plans for awhile. I do not regret it – it needed to be done and somebeody had to do it – but it knocked a serious dent in our timeline. Such is life – you can make all the plans you want but tsometiems things happen that will cause you to alter those plans.
That brings me to now (at least as of the time I amd writing thsi article) we bought a little house on about two acres out in the country away from evrything – but close enough to get to naything we need or want within about 45 minutes or less depending on where we go. I went back to that original trucking company I startedt with two and a half decades or so ago and took a position on a dedicated account that meets my needs for now. I get to drive a truck (which is still fun to me believe it or not) yet dont have to worry about all the headaches of owning my own right now, and I still get home every night and have enough time and energy left to keep working on my own Publishing and Training Business and building my own business empire one business at time.
I am not rich financially – but I have figured a few things out. We no longer have a mortgage payment and never will again either. Our home is paid for and always will be. Our cars are paid for. I will never again buy any consumer good or thing at all using credit and debt and though business finance is another matter, I currently choose to avoid it too like the plague.
The main lesson when it comes to financial management is that you need to do it intentionally and based on sound information in accordance with your own specific goals.
Never have I ever claimed that I know everything there is to know about anything – but I do know more than a little about some things – and I am willing to share every lesson that matters and which I have ever learned with you if you want the information. Even then – my philosophy is that each of us must choose our own courses in life to build a better life – so I will tell you what I think and teach you what I know. How you apply it and use it and the results you get from it will be your own.
What Can You Use From Your Own Past Experiences to Help Build Your Own Business Empire?
If you have never done so, or have not done soo recently – get a piece of paper and start making some notes. what can you recall and what has happened in your past that you can learn from and find seeds of benefit that you can use and apply to help you today?
Look at the good lessons, of course, meaning the things that you would like to copy or model and use. But also look at the bad, the things that went wrong or the things other people did that were wrong or that you strongly disagreed with and that you want to avoid. Write them all down too.
What matters most is what you CHOOSE to do based on all these lessons you have available to use as lessons learned.
You can also look for ideas.
As I mentioned, meeting other consultants at that first DOT seminar – along with my other experiences – led me to founding my own consulting and training company – Transport Resource Solutions.
It is the core of everything I now do – both in trucking and our=tside trucking. While I have many different interests and business pursuits the core business I am in and intend to always be in is providing Specialized Information and Training. I do that in all kinds of ways – courses, books, eBooks and other publications, one on one, live events, mentoring, and coaching.
Looking back that all goes all the way back to my time in the Navy really – but it wasn’t as clear to me until that DOT seminar and the subsequent things I began to do.
Your past has seeds of benefit that you can use – if you want to and if you look for, find them and apply the lessons there.
Selecting Your First Income Production Opportunities and Starting Your Own Business
I am assuming that you are working a job and do not own any kind of business at this point – or if you have tried you are still not making much if any money at all yet. If you are beyond that stage then fine – maybe you can still learn something to benefit you further.
What kind of business should you choose?
That depends on you and on your situation. Most people have at least a few challenges to overcome before they can start to build and grow a business that includes;
- Lack of funds – broke or nearly broke with very little money to get it going and keep it going
- Lack of time – most people are working full-time jobs putting in 40,50 or more hours per week plus other obligation
- Lack of information, knowledge, skills, experience and lack of confidence
These things all stop many people from even trying to start a single business – and they stop many other people who do try from getting far.
So let’s consider what kind of businesses you can start with very little to no money to at least get it going;
- Affiliate Marketing – This is a business where you represent products and produce sales in exchange for a fee. Basically you pick a product you want to market, enter into an agreement with the company that provides it, then you market it on your own however you see fit. The company provides you a unique link for the product and you put that lin in your articles and other content – and when people take the desired action which is usually to make a purchase you get paid. Some times the desired action is getting them to sign up for a free trial, a membership, a list or something similar – and if that is the agreed outcome then you get paid for that. Here is an example of a link where I get paid if you become a paying (Premium) member. Don’t worry – you can just look without signing up if you like. You can also sign up for Free and try it out – and please do! But just so you know I don’t earn a fee until and unless you sign up or switch over to a paid Premium membership. that important for you to know because you will be marketing products and services in the same ways if you decide to do affiliate marketing. There are millions of products and services to choose from that you can market – so there are more than enough things that you will like. Key benefits are that this business is a low barrier and easy business to get into (which is why it appeals to so many people!) and there are millions of products you can represent and market and get paid for if you are effective. That is also the key drawback – it takes information, training, hard work and time before you can expect to make much if anything doing affiliate marketing. many people will give up and quit in frustration. Is it right for you? That you have to decide – but my advice is to try it and see if you even think it might be! You have everything to gain and little to nothing to lose – especially if you try learning about it all through Wealthy Affiliate. If you do decide it is right for you and you want my personal help make sure you sign up using my personal link HERE! That’s the only way to get my personal help building your affiliate marketing business! Do yourself a favor though – however, you choose to pursue affiliate marketing – make sure you get some training and access to support where other people can help you.
- Online Course Creator – Instructor – You probably have some experiences that you can teach and which other people want to learn. To do that there are online course platforms where you can build your own courses and make them available for sale. Some of them such as Udemy will even market them for you for free! So the platforms are free (in some cases) and the marketing is done for you (again in some cases) and all you really have to do to get started is to create the course and publish it. As students enroll and pay, the course platforms keep their share and you get yours – you get paid in other words. Once the course is live you get paid automatically when students enroll and pay (usually get paid once a month by PayPal or direct deposit depending on the platform). Even when you are sleeping – or working on your next course – whenever people buy your courses you earn money! I have 19 courses on Udemy alone and others elsewhere and I am working on more – and I love the online course creation business! Click the link HERE and visit my profile page on Udemy and scroll down and you can see my courses. You can have your own courses on Udemy too and other platforms.
- Write and Publish Your Own Books – Thanks to Amazon the gatekeepers are all irrelevant now. Once upon a time, you had to get a gatekeeper (traditional publisher) to read your manuscript and then bless it enough to publish your work. Even then they maintained far too much control (in my opinion) and kept a huge share of the proceeds. You are familiar with some of the megastar authors like Stephen King and J.K Rowling – and they have done better than well for themselves, but for every megastar author, there are millions of other eeking out pennies and millions more who never got any of their work published. You can go directly to the reader through the access hatch amazon has made for you! If your books and other publications (eBooks, Audiobooks, Manuals, etc.) are good enough people will buy them, and if you market them effectively your will sell more and more over time – and you keep the control over your own work and more money too. Amazon does not charge you to make your books available – only when someone buys a copy. they keep their fees and you get all the rest – and that is more than fair! It also makes it possible for anyone who seriously wants to try it to write and publish their own books. Like all else – this isn’t likely to be easy or make you rich overnight (though some have done that too!) it will take some time and effort to learn enough to get your first book written and published and more learning to figure out all else you need to know to make this business work for you. Of course, you can choose non-fiction or fiction, or even choose both if you dare! My books so far are all non-fiction and I have more coming. Eventually, I also intend to try my hand at writing my own fiction too. Take a look at my Amazon author profile on Amazon HERE and look at a couple of my books. You can have your own books here too!
- Print On Demand – If you are technically savvy enough to use adobe or similar programs and you are artistic enough to create your own designs (or have the money to pay someone else to do it for you) then you can create and sell your own artwork, coffee cups/mugs. hats, T-shirts, bags, refrigerator magnets and many other things. You will need to pick a platform like Shopify or Etsy or both to market your products and you will also need to have production partners (the companies you upload your designs to who will make and ship the actuals products to your customers). This business has potential and a ton of competition and potentially more expenses and headaches. If the product is late shipping or the customers neighbor steals it then you are going to have to deal with customer service issues and headaches. If the printer screws your design up – you have to deal with it and get it resolved – even if they fix it still costs you time and an upset customer! On the upside, if your production partners are reliable, if your designs are good and if you can align it all and market your stuff effectively this can be a lucrative business! My wife designs mot of our products and we are working on more all the time! Check out and also soon our new sites. Click the shop links and look at our products – you can have your own! By the way, feel free to buy some of our stuff if you see anything you like!
There are plenty of other low to no cost businesses but there are some of the better choices in my opinion and that you can get started for very little to even nothing in some cases. Find something that works and start taking action.
The main problem for most people is the opposite of that – meaning they never actually do anything. They research and read but don’t take any action. Reading is good and I highly recommend it! But at some point, if you want to change your life and if you want to do that by building any kind of business at all you must take action.
So pick something and just go for it!
It will give you valuable experiences and if you are any good at it – will produce some money – and that is where we go next.
When You Start Making Money Do NOT Spend It!
I know because I spent it – again and again, and if I hadn’t done that I would be wealthy beyond belief now! Learn from my lessons have already learned for you and don’t spend that money.
Take it and use it to grow your business more first. Get it to where it needs to be, and build your emergency reserve funds up and then your operational reserves and savings.
Then take some of that money and use it to START ANOTHER BUSINESS.
That is where the EMPIRE begins to take shape – more specifically it is where you begin to Build Your Own Business Empire.
To do that you may need additional information and training. Attend a workshop, go to a seminar, take an online course or two, hire a coach or consultant. Continue your learning and your personal development.
Next, you may have some services (software, membership, equipment, etc.) and since you alert at this point have a successful business it is going to fund your next business and its expenses until it can support itself and becomes profitable in its own right. Eventually, it will help you fund the next business. Then the entire process continues and you replicate this model again and again as far as you wish.
That’s the general concept – but of course, it’s much more involved and complicated than that. It’s OK though because you are not going to attempt to do it all at one time. Instead, you learn and build one business at a time, one IncomeProduction opportunity and then when the time and circumstances make it right you proceed on to the next, step by step by step.
That is what I mean by building your own business empire.
I would love to help you build your own business empire. There are many ways to get my help including reading my articles, posts, books, and other publications – but as of right now the best way to get my help is to join my network in Wealthy Affiliate – whether or not affiliate marketing interests you. The reason is simple – you need to be able to build and maintain a website and understand marketing – no matter what business you want to build – and that is an excellent resource to get all that information. You also get MY PERSONAL HELP when you join using MY LINK and you will get my help not only with Affiliate Marketing but I will help you Build Your Own Business Empire including multiple other businesses as mentioned here and beyond.
Even better – I am working hard to build a community of our own where we can all share information, experiences, and encouragement to benefit the entire community. You will be part of that community too if you like. The website is still being built as is the rest of it – but you can find it at or go to Facebook and come join our little but growing Facebook group as a founding member.
What do you think? Ready to get started? If s the click HERE and come join me now!