For some time now I have been working on several new courses that will be available on Udemy as they are completed. The first course is ready and available on Udemy now and more will be following it over the next several weeks as they are finished and ready to go. These courses are designed to provide specific information tailored to different needs all along the career path from entry level brand new truck driver all the way through becoming a successful owner operator, freight broker and even a fleet owner.
While its not that difficult for almost anyone to get their foot in the door – many fail in their attempts to become truck drivers, owner operators, and business owners. They fail for many reasons, but some of the biggest are failing to have accurate information, failing to have clearly defined goals, failing to have a feasible plan and others simply fail by not taking consistent action.
All these courses are intended to provide tools and information that can be used to overcome common problems and build successful careers and businesses faster, more effectively and that are both more profitable and enjoyable. In short they are designed to help get much better results and to do so much faster.
If you are interested in starting a career in trucking then take a look at my new course available on Udemy;
Truck Driving – An Introduction to Professional Trucking
What You Should Know Before You Go to Truck Driving School
This course will help anyone who is thinking about becoming a truck driver make a better more informed decision about whether trucking is the right profession for them or not.
That’s one thing that causes a lot of problems for people – trying to become truck drivers without fully realizing what they are about to get themselves into. As a result many find out the hard way that they made the wrong choice. Unfortunately by the time they realize it they have already wasted weeks or months and thousands of dollars – not to mention the stress and frustration.
Other people find that trucking is a near perfect profession for them and offers many unique opportunities. But trying to figure everything out by trial and error and bits and pieces of suspect information here and there takes time, and results in many mistakes and missed opportunities.
This introductory course is designed to help those who do choose to become truck drivers do it the smart way and hit the ground running, fully aware of what they are doing and having specific goals and objectives from day one. Those who take this course will also know how and where to gather and analyze additional information and then filter it to get accurate realistic information they can use to make more informed business decisions all along their career path.
If you are interested in trucking then take a look at the course on Udemy.