Right now is a great time to start trucking.
The industry needs you, wants you, and will pay you very well for your services – if you get informed and know what you are doing.
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what your background is or anything else like that, so long as you can meet the minimal requirements to be able to get a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) and can learn the basic skills necessary to start trucking. If you can do that then you can become a trucker and make a good living.
I will say this though – trucking is more than just another job – it is a lifestyle.
That means it is NOT right for everyone.
Is it right for you right now – and are you right for trucking? That is the question that matters.
The way you get the answers you need is by seeking out and acquiring information first before you just run out and start talking to recruiters.
Most people make the mistake of skipping this step and they only get their info from recruiters and company personnel which means they are only getting one side of the thing and half the information they really need. Even worse – the information they do get is heavily biased and often inaccurate and as a result, is misleading.
This causes newbies to have to learn hard lessons through trial and error and by making lots of mistakes. It takes months and years to get informed that way and as a result, costs them tens of thousands of dollars and adds a ton of stress and frustration to their lives.
All of that is unnecessary!
learn from their mistakes so you do not have to repeat them!
How? Take courses online. Read a few eBooks. Listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos. Go to a few truck stops and talk to several real truck drivers from different companies and get their information directly from people going through what you are contemplating doing. Make notes and write it all down.
This simple process can be done in a few days to a few weeks – not months and years.
Then you will have enough information to make better decisions and get started faster and better if you do decide that trucking is a good fit for you. And if you decide it is not then it will still have saved you time money and effort that you can apply to other things that are right for you.
L.D. Sewell Courses On Udemy
A great place to start is by taking some of my courses on Udemy.
Follow the course links from my site www.ldsewell.com and select the course you want. You can also go to the Udemy site and search trucking topics and find my courses that way too along with some courses by other instructors.
Udemy courses (mine and others) are often on sale and deeply discounted so it is possible to take a course for as little as $10.00 or even less at times and most are always under $200.00 there at the most. All such courses are available 24/7/365 to you anywhere you have a smartphone or computer and an internet connection.
Online courses are a great way to get information and to get informed!
Facebook Groups You Can Join
My wife and I founded and operate several groups.
Trucking Business Success is one of our trucking groups that has more than 1000 members and continues to grow slowly each day. Anyone who is seriously interested in trucking is invited and welcome there.
Another group is L.D. Sewell Student Support.
This group is for my students only – students in any of my courses on any platform. It is a place where we can all communicate easily and share information and where you can easily ask any course related questions you need more information or clarification on.
It is also a place where you can easily make recommendations and suggestions on course updates and new courses too.
Build Your Own Business Empire
One of the core philosophies I teach is that people need more than one source of income.
You need multiple streams of income from several Income Production Opportunities that all combined can be used to help you make more money and to do better and better in life. if anything happens to any one of those streasm at any time and one goes away or is reduced – then it is not a crisis because you will already be prepared and have plenty of money coming in from other sources.
This gives you time to replace any single stream or source of income that becomes inactive or diminished for any reason.
That means you have a better situation at all times for you and your family.
This group is where you learn more about BYOBE and get support as you do so – in trucking or not – along with other opportunities and options. There are indeed some great opportunities for you that you can do along with trucking and that dovetaile very nicely if you do decide to pursue a career in trucking.
L.D. Sewell YouTube Channels
When I was first getting into trucking many years ago I wish there had been online courses and YouTube videos!
You do not have to wish – they exist and YouTube videos are FREE to you!
Go to youTube search L.D. Sewell and fid my channel. Or just click one of the links from my site here or any one of my other sites and get there that way.
There you can see some real-world day-to-day trucking as an independent owner operator/trucking business owner – and learn about trucking as a company driver, lease purchase driver, or owner operator so that you can have a much better idea of what it is all REALLY like.
I also have other channels on trucking, business, and other topics – and you can find out about those and get links from there too if you are interested in any of my other videos.
There has never been a better time in history to start trucking – other than RIGHT NOW!
Get informed.
Make a decision.
Get started.
Learn how to achieve Trucking Business Success on your own terms – but not alone! Come join us TODAY and start building your own Trucking Business Successfully right now, and build yourself a better life in the process too.
Have a great day today, and make it count!
Best regards,
L.D. Sewell