Join the L.D. Sewell Training Center MemberSHIPS and Get All the Help and Support You Need!

Our MemberSHIPS Each Focus On Specific Areas and Objectives to Help You Set and Achieve Your Own Goals in Each Area of Your life.
Choose the membership and the level you want to join now depending on where you are in your journey and what your goals are. Available memberships include;
The L.D. Sewell Network MemberSHIP - Free
The L.D. Sewell MemberSHIP - Access, Aboard, Inner Circle, Core Group and Privateer
Build Your Own Business Empire MemberSHIP
Trucking Business Success MemberSHIP
Clarify your vision, set your goals and begin intentionally building a better mindset. This is the foundation upon which all other aspects of life are built.
Personal Financial Management Systems, Methods, Tactics and Philosophy development are the focus.
Inner Circle
Income production methods and tactics. How to make more than enough money, and continuously increase it.
Core Group
Learn how to become a specialized information entrepreneur. Teach, coach, consult and create specialized information products to share what you know with other people.

The L.D. Sewell MemberSHIPS
We all have our own ideas of what building a better life means. But even when we already have a good idea of what we want, it is so easy to become overwhelmed and just feel lost to the point we stop making any headway toward anything.
That's why belonging to The L.D. Sewell MemberSHIPS and becoming a member of my network can be such an important part of your life, and it can be a way to get clarification, support and access to additional tools and resources all along your journey as you work to build your own vision of what you want in life.
Imagine a college or university that has a Master of Business Administration program. Then imagine as part of the program and included in the curricum are courses on personal deverlopment, productivity, organizationl and leadership skills, personal finance, entrepreneurship, and all the other skills you need to build a better life in all areas of your life.
That is what you have just found!
But with some huge differences, begining with the fact that you can actually afford my training and support without mortgaging your home or your entire future or incurring tens of thousands of dollars in debt for a near useless degree and no real world skills.
Here you will learn real lessons that matter in the real world - and that can and will change your life!
The L.D. Sewell MemberSHIPS are all designed to give you just the right level of help and support that you need at specific points of your journey, and specific to your interests.
You choose where you want to start.
Once you decide on a specific course and select your starting point then you can progress through each additional level step by step to complete your goals. Once you have achieved your own success in one area and level then you can continue on and move up to the next incrementally.
I want you to be successful in your work, in your business and in your life.
That's why I designed the MemberSHIPS the way they are - and why they are always evolving, adpting and being refined and improved over time.
One of the reasons so many people fail at so many things in business and in life is because they get confused and overwhelemed. Too many training programs and memberships have alot of information but no real sense of direction or organization.
Thats leads to confusion, to feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do next - so people usually just give up and quit.
My training programs - and especially my memberships - are all designed to help solve that problem and to help you make sure you always have a clear sense of direction so you always know what to do next. That way you keep making steady progress...step by step by step to goal after goal on a continuous and ongoing basis.
Anyone with the will to do better can join my network for FREE TODAY and get started making progress. The information and resources you will get will help you decide on a clear course to set and help you set and accomplish your own goals.
Look over the information on each membership and decide where you want to begin at.
It is your choice. Choose the membership that works best for you and get started now.
If you are not sure, that's OK too and I can still help you. In that case simply start at the beginning and work your way through the different levels and different memberships sequentially - and don't worry - I will be there with you all along the way to help you as you need and want my help too.
So go ahead and join the L.D. Sewell Network MemberSHIP today, and lets get started there.
Then we will move up to The L.D. Sewell Training Center MemberSHIP at the Aboard level and start immediately learning skills and getting support that will help you make more money, manage your time and resources better and get focused on specific goals of your own choosing - and be able to actually afford more advanced resources.
We will also use Wealthy Affiliate as one of the options within the L.D. Sewell Network.
Wealthy Affiliate is a massive training platform and membership with well over a million members and growing - and it has been around for many years. I am a member and a coach there as well, and by using WA as a foundation and infrastructure we have immediate FREE access to immense resources and support that simply would not be possible any other way.
There you will also meet and be able to interact with tens of thousands of other WA members who are all working on pursuing their own goals, which are extremely diverse. Some people are more after having a sense of direction and belonging to a supportive community.
People come there from all over the world, every age group and every walk of life there is. Some are newbies just beginning to look for ways to make money online, while others are retired military or retired corporate executives looking to build their next career online.
We have former and current pilots, doctors, psychologists, store clerks, farmers, construction workers, locksmiths, truckers, authors, home makers, real estate agents waiters and CEO's and all kinds of other people - with more joining every day.
They are at all levels of life and business.
Some are mostly interested in personal development, mindset and community. Others are seriously working hard to build businesses to make money online - many in Affiliate Marketing (which you can learn all about too if you like) while others are learning marketing skills and how to build websites and create content so they can use it for other business and work interests - including offline brick and mortar businesses too - or just for helping them learn skills to help them do better in there current day jobs.
Within the Wealthy Affiliate community there are thousands of very successful people in every imaginable niche and every type of business and walk of life you can think of.
You can learn from them all, and you will get my help and support too.
As I mentioned - you can even get started for FREE!
Most other instructors, mentors, coaches, consultants and memberships and training platforms want you to pay big money FIRST before you get anything at all of value.
I want you to start getting value first, and then start using it to do better in life. That will do a couple of things for you - one it helps you actually have the money you need to proceed.
Two - it lets you decide if progressing on through our other MemberSHIPS and working with me on a long term basis is right for you or not before you pay anything at all for it.
Get STARTED - Try it for FREE - then decide.
How the L.D. Sewell MemberSHIPS Work
The L.D. Sewell MemberSHIPS currently include several different memberships each focused on specific objectives.
The L.D. Sewell Network is free, and it is designed to help you get started and then help you figure out which way you want to go from there.
Next is our L.D. Sewell Training Center MemberSHIP which is also the hub for all of our other memberships. It is divided into five separate levels. They include Aboard, Access, Inner Circle, Core Group - and Privateer.
Each level includes all levels below it. So in other words if you become an Inner Circle Member then your membership includes Aboard, Access and Inner Circle benefits and resources.
Additional MemberSHIPS which you can join include;
Build Your Own Business Empire MemberSHIP - The focus is on systematically starting, building and growing multiple businesses - one at a time - and interconnecting them all for maximum productivity and maximum profit.
Trucking Business Success MemberSHIP - The focus here is all things trucking. That includes everything from how to get a CDL and get started as a driver, to becoming an owner operator, starting and building a trucking business successfully all the way on through fleet owner and into multibusiness entrepreneurship.
Choose Your Own Beginning MemberSHIP
Your life begins to change the moment you decide to change and when you start taking action to make it happen.
Now is your chance!
Best regards,
L.D. Sewell
Privateer is focused on helping serious Entrepreneurs start, operate and grow their own Businesses Successfully. It is an in depth coaching, training and consulting program and much more.
Privateer members receive personal instruction, coaching and support on all relevant topics.
- Please Note: Privateer membership is by invitation only and the membership is currently CLOSED to new members at this time. Periodically we open the membership to new members selected from among our highest performing students. If you believe you are ready and would like to be considered, then send me a personal email and tell me why you want to become a Privateer and what you have to offer.