The site traffic in general is picking up steadily – despite the fact that we have not ran any ads or done any true marketing anywhere yet. All we have really done is a few blog posts and some little bit of increased social presence in a few groups and posting here and there. Noticed today we now have people coming to the site from several countries – including Russia!
The udemy course is up – has had its first student and has a decent first ever rating of 4.5 so that is good as far as we are concerned and its a start!
I currently have 12 more courses in development – at the same time I am working on building this site. I intend to launch all 12 of them by COB August 31 – so we will see how that goes. I try to effectively use my own task management systems and production schedule – without which NONE of this would be possible and I would be lost.
The scale of building all this at once would simply be overwhelming and confusing and simply not possible.
Because I use systems and have very specific – challenging but possible – goals to shoot for, and because everything is broken down to the task level within the bigger picture, all I have to do is follow the steps I have laid out for myself. Step by step by step…
That makes all this FUN and Exciting! Well, to me at least … though I may have stressed Abbie a bit. I just remind her not to look at the overall magnitude of the whole thing but instead to simply focus on the next task, then the next – and not worry about the rest. That seems to be working just fine.
She is happy and enjoying the work she is doing and doesn’t have to worry about all the rest. And by the way – have you seen this place! It is beautiful!
Look at some of the big names out there who have thousands and some tens of thousands of subscribers and members… they paid thousands for their sites and systems and had entire teams do the work. Everything you see here to date has been done by ONE person – Abbie!
That to me is amazing…
I have promised to get her some help in the coming months to help ad new stuff and mostly maintain everything and help manage the content etc. so I think she is looking forward to that. But I really appreciate all the work she has done without which none of this would be anywhere remotely as nice as it already is.
Anyway that will about do it for this update.
Talk to you again soon in the next post.