There are so many interesting platforms and ways to create content, designs, and products out there.
One of them is REDBUBBLE.
Although it has been around for some time now, I have just begun putting some of my designs on redbubble, and I intend to keep adding more over time.
There are several things I do like about Redbubble.
The first one is that it is FREE to set up an account and free to begin adding your own designs too, so that is pretty cool. I really like things that give you and I a chance to market and sell products and services for no upfront fees. Of course, as you do make sales then they will take their cut too – which is more than fair and totally understandable.
Will REDBUBBLE Be a Success or a Failure for Me?
I have no way to know for certain at this point.
Time will tell as it always does, but I suspect it will eventually be grown to become another consistent stream of income and in keeping with my personal philosophy of how to Build Your Own Business Empire – and my own personal blueprint of doing so according to my own plans, I think it will be good.
The potential is considerable as there is a potentially worldwide audience and customer base, so that is significant.
On redbubble you have the same challenges as everyone else, and that is getting your designs and your products in front of enough other people who may want to buy them – when they are already being bombarded by millions of other things competing for their very limited attention.
Right now I only have a few things there – and you can check it out HERE
My intention is to begin consistently adding at least one new design per week – on average – and keep doing that for at least a year as a sort of TEST CASE and see what happens.
What I am thinking of doing is to launch several new designs, and upload some of our existing designs we have on other platforms all at the same time to have a larger group of products. That may make it easier for them to be found, especially as I link them to Pinterest boards I have, mention them on my blogs and post mentions on my Facebook pages, and in groups, etc.
Want to know how it all turns out?
Subscribe while you are here and follow along with my redbubble adventure and journey, and I will periodically let you know how it works out.