Stand up for your rights – or they will be taken away from you bit by bit until you have none left. Be wary of those who use legalese and technical manipulation of the law to exert control over you. History is full of lessons learned the hard way. Do not let anyone just take away your rights without resisting just because they say they can. Know your rights. Stand up for them while you still have them. They have already been purchased for you and I with the blood and sacrifice of many that came before us. So many have paid the price with their lives, and others with their limbs. What a shame it would be to just let it all slip away without even a fight.
I took an oath when I joined the military that I did not fully understand at the time. I swore to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States against ALL enemies both foreign and domestic…
When I said those words I was only 17 years old. I didn’t have the comprehension I have now of what it really meant. I remember wondering why we used the word Constitution instead of country or government or president. It is because the Constitution is what binds us all together, and from which all other legitimate authority must always flow. Without it we would be subject to the whims of various dictators as so many other nations are this very day.
It is like the keel of a large wooden ship. If you cut out and chop too many pieces out the whole thing will come apart when it hits even the smallest of rough waters. Right now there is a crowd gathering around our ship, and they all brought their saws and chisels…