Have You Ever Been Taken Advantage Of By A Company?
I’m sure you have, and probably many times. I know I have and everyone I personally know has too. How does it make you feel when that happens to you?
That’s why it is so important to take extra care in your own business and in every transaction that you have with other people and make sure you have a win-win situation. That simply means that the customer or client is getting at least the value they were promised and expect, and that from a company standpoint, ideally they should always be given more value than they paid for.
When you do that you build relationships that can last many years – some even a lifetime. Not only that, but every person you come in contact with and deal with has other people in their lives. Most have many other people in their lives – all of whom have people in their lives too and so on and on it goes. Treat people right to the best of your ability and it will come back to you tenfold – and they will bring their friends and families!
Treat them wrong and it will come back to you in a bad way one hundred fold too! So always treat people fairly and honestly and do the best you can.
Do not set systems up to be a predator and to intentionally try to take advantage of people. When companies and people do that they lose the opportunity they could have had to get referrals and repeat business. All for what? A quick buck? Instead, work to build mutually beneficial long-term relationships.
If you do you will enjoy life more, sleep better and make a lot more money too over the long haul!
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