There are always critics – and not a damn one of them matters…
What matters is that you are the one in the arena and slugging it out toward achieving what you set forth to achieve. Figure out what you want to do. Figure out how to do it – then go do it!
There are plenty of classes and training. Plenty of books too. Then there is the mighty internet itself, so there is no shortage at all of information for you. Will you fall down? Absolutely. Will you fail sometimes – yes you will. But you will win too – if you try hard enough and often enough and learn from all your experiences – good bad and otherwise.
So when it comes to choosing a business do some research and choose one. Then figure out where you can get some help and training and support and go get it as you need it and as you can afford it. You can afford it too, just reprioritize some of the other junk in your life and you will find the little bit of money you need to improve your life if you want to. So invest in yourself and start building a better life NOW!
Don’t let fear of failure and fear of what you think others may think stop you from ever even trying…